What is All on Four & All on Six Implant Dental Treatment?
In our Turkey, Izmir Dt.Dr.Kutay Gürel clinic, All on four and All on six implant treatment is a system applied to individuals with complete tooth deficiency. Rather than making one implant for each missing tooth it is an application designed by making four or six implants. All on 4 & All on 6 implant applications are mostly applied to individuals with insufficient bone support in the posterior regions of the lower and upper jaw bones. With this system, patients' comfort is provided without the need for advanced surgical techniques.
In traditional implant treatments, when there is no bone in the posterior regions of the jaw bones, bone powder and graft applications are required, and these procedures both increase the cost and can take 9-12 months in time. With all on four and all sixteen implant teeth, the implant teeth are placed at different angles by escaping from the anatomically unsuitable areas, and the patients get their prosthesis with specially produced prosthetic spacers.
With all on four and all sixteen implant dental applications, patients can have their temporary teeth immediately after the implant operation, if the bone structure allows. Permanent prostheses are made after the implant teeth are fully fused with the bone.

All on 4- All on 6 How Is Dental Treatment Performed?
In the all-on-four and all-on-six dental implant technique, the patient's general and dental history is primarily taken.
Panoramic x-ray or dental volumetric tomography x-ray film, which is one of the digital x-ray imaging techniques, is supplied.
A 3D diagnostic model of the operation area is obtained.
The operation is mostly performed by numbing the relevant area, which we call local anesthesia. In some cases, it can be in individuals who prefer general anesthesia.
The surgical procedure takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. During this period, patients do not feel any pain.
If the jawbone is suitable, temporary prostheses can be delivered to the patients within 72 hours.
Stitches are removed 7-10 days after the operation.
For the first month control, the patients are called again and x-ray films are taken.
It is waited for 3-4 months for the implants to fully fuse with the jawbone, and then permanent, permanent prostheses are delivered to the patient.

To Whom Is All-on-Four-All-on-Six Implant Tooth Applied?
If it is necessary to list the patient groups in which All on 4 and All on 6 implant teeth were applied, item by item;
Patients in good general health
All on 4 and All on 6 implants are applied to patients with uncontrolled diabetes, blood factor deficiency that cannot be controlled even with doctor consultation, patients using blood thinners, patients receiving chemotherapy, patients receiving radiotherapy in the head and neck region, patients using bisphosphonates and individuals with some autoimmune disorders. It is not very convenient to make teeth.
Completely edentulous patients
Completely edentulous patients with advanced osteoporosis and individuals who do not want advanced surgical procedures
Individuals who use removable dentures and are not satisfied with their removable dentures
Individuals looking for a slightly more economical way than traditional full chin implant applications

Is All on Four-Six Implant Dental Treatment Painful?
When All on 4 and All on 6 implant teeth are evaluated in terms of pain, swelling and edema; they are not much different from traditional implant systems. Because again, local anesthesia is applied and patients do not feel any pain during the surgical procedure.
Of course, with the effect of post-operative anesthesia, tingling and edema may occur in the implanted areas, as in traditional implant dental applications. The dentist will definitely recommend medication for the tingling and edema to be more controlled. Thus, it will progress in a more controlled manner in situations that are expected to develop after the operation.
The pain reaches its highest level in the first three days after the implant tooth operation and decreases in the following days and ends within 10 days at the latest.
What Should Be Considered After All-on-Four-All-on-Six Implant Dental Treatment?
After the All on 4 and All on 6 implant tooth operation, the medicines given by the dentist should be used by the patients.
If the physician has given mouthwash and mouthwash, they should not do this mouthwash for the first 24 hours. Because the first 24 hours should never be shaken and spitting. For this reason, mouthwash should not be used for the first 24 hours.
There may be bleeding in the form of leakage in the first 24 hours, this is normal. If this situation continues, it should be shared with the physician.
After the operation, ice gel and ice compresses will be given. In line with the recommendations of the dentist, the dental clinic, especially at intervals of the first 24 hours, will contribute to the reduction of possible swelling, pain and edema.
Perhaps the most important fact is that cigarettes and alcohol should never be consumed, especially for 24 hours. The longer this period is extended, the more it will benefit the patient.
It should not be forgotten that smoking and alcohol use will prevent the implant tooth from joining with the jawbone.
Heavy sports activities should not be done in the first 3 days and it is recommended not to bend and get up.
If patients who have All on 4 and All on 6 implant teeth want to take a shower, it is recommended that they take a shower the day after the operation as much as possible.